C0G High Voltage MLCC in DCDC and OBC Applications
Written By: Robert Lu
This white paper discusses the advantages of C0G high voltage MLCCs when compared to film capacitors. Capacitance stability is a crucial element when choosing the right resonant capacitor for resonant circuits. Minimum variations with shifts in temperature, voltage, and frequency fluctuation are desirable. Although film capacitors provide a good option for certain applications, advances in MLCC technology have improved the performance of other capacitor dielectrics. In DC-DC/OBC applications, C0G High Voltage MLCCs can represent a more suitable option when compared to film capacitors, maintaining minimal capacitance variation with temperature and low dissipation factor at high frequencies.
This white paper discusses the advantages of C0G high voltage MLCCs when compared to film capacitors. Capacitance stability is a crucial element when choosing the right resonant capacitor for resonant circuits. Minimum variations with shifts in temperature, voltage, and frequency fluctuation are desirable. Although film capacitors provide a good option for certain applications, advances in MLCC technology have improved the performance of other capacitor dielectrics. In DC-DC/OBC applications, C0G High Voltage MLCCs can represent a more suitable option when compared to film capacitors, maintaining minimal capacitance variation with temperature and low dissipation factor at high frequencies.