Features & Benefits
- Voltage Range: 6V to 50V
- Capacitance Range: 1000pF to 22µF
- Case Sizes: 0201 to 1210
Typical Applications
- Decoupling applications within limited temperature range
Y5V formulations are for general-purpose use in a limited temperature range. They have a wide temperature characteristic of +22% –82% capacitance change over the operating temperature range of –30°C to +85°C. These characteristics make Y5V ideal for decoupling applications within limited temperature range.
Datasheet / Catalog
Datasheet / Catalog – Click to Download
Part Number Information
Part Number Information
Design Tools
Design Tools

SpiMLCC (formerly known as SpiCAP) is a web-version online simulation software that defines the frequency response and voltage coefficient for AVX ceramic chip capacitors.
Environmental / Compliance Documents